About lenticular printing

Lenticular effects

Refers to a printed image that shows depth as the viewing angle changes. In 3D, the picture’s elements are positioned on different levels so that an illusion of depth and perspective can be assigned to each of them. Unlike 2-dimensional design, using this lenticular 3D effect adds reality to graphics.
A dramatic swapping of two or more images-each alternately vanishing and then reappearing. Utilizing this lenticular flip effect is most beneficial for demonstrating "cause-and-effect", or even "before-and-after" comparisons. Flip is also a good way to deliver multiple messages within the same space.
Animations: movement, zoom, rotation
Using a series of images coming together to create an animation much like a short movie clip. The illusion of motion actually comes from either a selection of video frames or sequential still images. This lenticular animation effect is especially suited for emphasizing body movement or mechanical action.

Lenticular lenses

Lenticular lenses
Lenticular lenses are plastic lenses consisting of an array of optical elements (lenticules). When viewed from different angles, different areas under the lens are magnified.
Understanding Pitch
Pitch is the count of lenticules per inch in a certain lenticular lens, measured in LPI. A lenticule is a single optical element, a vertical strip in the lenticular sheet.
Lenticular images
Lenticular images are specially prepared images to which the lens is attached. Views are arranged under lenticules so that each eye is projected a different view. The brain then integrates these views into a single coherent 3D image.
Understanding Interlacing
Interlacing is the process of creating a lenticular image from a set of 2D images. A small strip is taken from each 2D image and is combined in one image to match a specific lens pitch.
Lenticular lens durability
The lenticular lens is manufactured from various types of plastic (PETG, PVC, Acrylic). The lens's ability to withstand extreme weather depends on the type of plastic from which it is made. Its resistance to vandalism, scratches, breakage and fire is determined by the plastic used.
Viewing angles for 3D
The narrower the viewing angle, the larger the viewing distance for 3D.